Sick Days

Person holding a tissue over their nose

This has not been a great week for me health-wise. I started the week with a case of food poisoning. I’m guessing that was just enough hit to my immune system to allow me to catch a nasty cold. Blah. I had to dip into my records to find my sick day plan. I should have looked at it sooner, because it didn’t quite match up with my current healthy day plan. Blah again! It took a bit to get it working right. Honestly, looking at my last blood sugar reading, it still needs a bit of tweaking.

Looking for information on how to make your own sick day plan? Talk to your health care team. Also, here are some good links:

One thought on “Sick Days

  1. At Southern New Hampshire Medical Center we are proud to partner with the Joslin Diabetes Center in Boston – internationally recognized as a leader in diabetes treatment, clinical research, and patient and professional diabetes education since 1898. The Joslin Diabetes Center is associated with Harvard Medical School.

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