This has not been a great week for me health-wise. I started the week with a case of food poisoning. I’m guessing that was just enough hit to my immune system to allow me to catch a nasty cold. Blah. I had to dip into my records to find my sick day plan. I should have looked at it sooner, because it didn’t quite match up with my current healthy day plan. Blah again! It took a bit to get it working right. Honestly, looking at my last blood sugar reading, it still needs a bit of tweaking.
Looking for information on how to make your own sick day plan? Talk to your health care team. Also, here are some good links:
- Type 1 Diabetes: Sick Day Management from University of Michigan – I particularly like the list of good sick day liquids with carbohydrate information.
- JDRF’s sick day suggestions – Good suggestions for parents of type 1 kids.
- ADA’s sick day suggestions– A great list complete with sick day foods with carb info (even in diabetic exchange information) and how to put together a sick day kit. It is written for kids with diabetes.
- Sick Day Checklist – a print-out checklist that you can bring to your doctor to help create your sick day plan. One issue with this print-out is that there is an ad on the bottom of the checklist. Pretty good otherwise.
At Southern New Hampshire Medical Center we are proud to partner with the Joslin Diabetes Center in Boston – internationally recognized as a leader in diabetes treatment, clinical research, and patient and professional diabetes education since 1898. The Joslin Diabetes Center is associated with Harvard Medical School.