Free ebook

The author, Michael Hicks, let me know that his novel, Empire, is now available for free. You can find it here:

I haven’t read it yet (but I downloaded it today), but it is described as a Sci Fi/Fantasy book. The reviews are very positive. (SciFi is one of the genres that I usually read…that and mystery.)

I’m not getting any money for letting you know about this book. I just thought that you may like some free stuff. 🙂

I have downloaded the book and put it on my kindle. Looking forward to my free time tomorrow so I can read it.

Diabetes web comic

Native American artist Ryan Huna Smith (with Arizona State Museum at the University of Arizona in Tucson, Arizona) has created a comic and digital mobile app to help teens (especially Native Americans and Latinos) learn about diabetes. The comic book called “It’s Up 2 You!” and it is available in the iTunes store for free.

It is also available on the web: It’s up 2 you on the web. On the web it is written in English, but there is also audio in English, Spanish and Tohono O’odham. You can also view it with a “health challenge” which is basically a diabetes knowledge quiz. If you can’t figure out how to read the comic, click on the word “Free” on the cover.

Info from:

One Touch Delica

There is a free offer for the One Touch Delica on the One Touch site. It is a lancing system — you know, the thing that we diabetics use to poke our fingers so we can get blood out for testing. It has the thinnest needle of any One Touch lancing systems.  The ad also says that it has reduced vibration and precision guidance. I just printed out my coupon today. I will go to the drug store tomorrow and see if they have it. If they do have it, I’ll try it out and let you know what I think.

Have any of you used this lancing system? What did you think?

Update 1/2/2012: Looks like the offer is no longer on the site.